Prince Oscar of Sweden

Can sacrifice succession to a throne,
Title, palace, pension, rather than be torn
From her who, in whatever rank you move,
As woman, princess, queen, alike would prove 5
That she can any station well adorn.
Let others—merely because they were born
Of royal parentage—fancy above
Thee they are honour’d, when they hear men call,
Their low souls by the prostitutes name 10
Of “Royal Highness”,—on the scroll of Fame
Thy name will shine when every throne shall fall
Before advancing Freedom. Ever we
Who honour all true Highness, will remember thee.
George Markham Tweddell
p. 124 [in Miscellaneous Sonnets]
"Through Oscar's marriage in Bournemouth on 15 March 1888 to Swedish noblewoman Ebba Munck af Fulkila (Jönköping, 15 March 1858 – Stockholm, 16 October 1946), lady-in-waiting to the Crown Princess, without the consent of his father the King, he gave up his right of succession to the Swedish throne and his royal title."
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