Jean Jacques Rousseau.

How strange the contrast between right and wrong,
In one so gifted as Jean Jacques Rousseau!
The sensual must ever suffer woe,
And who would serve mankind should ne’er among
The slaves of Circe for an hour be found. 5
Yet Rousseau did great service when he taught
Parents to see their children so that naught
Might injure mind or body: he had sound
Notions of education, which the world,
With all its progress, seems yet to need to learn. 10
Let us avoid his errors, but not spurn
The truths he taught. We know he bravely hurl’d
Defiance to all rulers when he thought
The method they pursued were but with evils fraught.
George Markham Tweddell
p. 72 [in Miscellaneous Sonnets]
Masonic Review, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, November, 1891
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